To see Dr. Westover's most current biweekly columns in Forbes, go here.
Below is a sampling of some of Dr. Westover's past work in popular outlets:
Core Leadership Capabilities For The Future of Work
Here are some questions that leaders need to be grappling with, right now!
Five Characteristics Of Highly Impactful Leaders
What is it that makes for highly impactful leaders?
The Benefits Of Showing Gratitude In The Workplace
Appreciation doesn’t always get communicated effectively, and often leaders can unintentionally and inadvertently undermine their people and cause them to feel unvalued.
The Benefits Of Creating A Speak-Up Culture At Work
As leaders, we can’t outsource our responsibility to be the architect our team’s inclusive culture and a dynamic speak-up environment, where everyone knows that their input is truly needed and valued.
Enhancing Female Empowerment In The Workplace
Leaders need to work to enhance female empowerment and engagement in the workplace and move organizations toward a more healthy culture of validation, inclusiveness, and personal value to all their employees.
How To Lead With A Growth Mindset
As leaders, we need to foster a deeply rooted personal commitment to continual growth and development, both in ourselves and within each member of our team.
The Power of Listening
As we lead in organizations, we need to cultivate our self-understanding and our understanding of others through active and compassionate listening.
The Cost Of Sycophant Syndrome On Organizational Health
Organizations of all types often fall victim to sycophant syndrome and its impacts. Leaders need to actively battle this tendency in order to ensure the long-term sustainable health of their organizations.
The Key To Creating A Growth Culture And Producing Exceptional Results
When leaders help their people to feel supported, provide them with the resources they need and focus first on growth and continual learning, employees will tap into their intrinsic motivations and find more meaning and purpose in their work.
Fostering And Sustaining Institutional And Interpersonal Trust As A Leader
Just like individuals need to develop trust in order to sustain productive and meaningful relationships, so too must institutions and organizations.
The Necessity Of Consciously Inclusive Leadership
An organizational culture and environment of diversity, inclusion and belonging are essential for the long-term sustainable success of any company.
Transformative Leadership: How To Help Others Become 'Bluer Than Indigo'
Empowering, developing and lifting others is the mark of a truly successful leader.
The Role Of Systems Thinking In Organizational Change And Development
Through systems thinking, a number of core concepts and practical tools can be applied to better understand the complexity of each organization.
Green-Soup Leadership: Serving Up that which is Good for Them
Because you hooked them with the “why”, and now they want the “how”. They’re at the table, they’re hungry, so go ahead and serve them; just make sure to tell them it’s green-soup.
How Much Are Toxic Leaders Costing Your Business?
Organizational leaders (with status and position power) need to look out for toxic behaviors and stand up for the most vulnerable among their employees.
Maximizing Employee Engagement By Leveraging An Organizational Social Impact Strategy
Organizations have a responsibility to give back to and directly benefit their communities, and not just through providing jobs.
The Importance Life and Job Satisfaction
The level of satisfaction that workers feel and obtain through work is directly correlated to their overall sense of life satisfaction, which leads to a variety of positive individual, organizational, and societal outcomes
COVID-19 Accelerating the Shift to a New Normal in the Workplace and the Future of Work in the Post-Pandemic World
As we have seen with the response to COVID-19 in terms of rapid technological innovation and adoption to facilitate working from home, technology can enable “global, flexible and independent work” and in particular, in the Global South.
COVID-19, Virtual Labor, and the Future of Work
Regardless of what the future holds, increasingly, leaders need to be socially-minded, data-driven, decisive, champions of talent, and disruptors. These are questions leaders need to be asking and discussions we need to be having now so that we are prepared for the future of work, and particularly for unexpected, disruptive global events.
Creating A Workplace Culture Of Belonging, Diversity And Inclusivity
Leaders need to look for ways to help every employee feel welcomed, needed, wanted, valued, and that they have a genuine way to connect and contribute.
Putting Things in Boxes
Acknowledging and then acting on our abilities and limitations in an immediate space around us, ie our ‘box’, can help us to cope with the overwhelming distress of the coronavirus pandemic.
The Importance Of A Purpose-Driven Career And Workplace
Increasingly, employees are seeking enhanced meaning and purpose in their work and the opportunity to impact the broader society in positive ways.
Disruptive Technologies and the Future of Work
We don’t have a crystal ball and even the best predictive analytics and AI can’t tell us what the future actually holds. However, recent trends (and human history) suggest that huge shifts will likely occur sooner than later. Are we ready ready for the challenges and opportunities ahead?
Desire Serenity? Meet the Needs of Followers
The stress leaders face because of the responsibilities placed upon them is enough. Added stress isn’t manageable, it’s soul-crushing. It’s an axe chipping away at one’s psyche, not to mention, one’s immune system.
You Can't Build a Big Enough Fire Department
The dirty little secret about mass-scale disasters is you can’t plan enough, you can’t stockpile enough, and you can’t get the majority of citizens to prepare. By simply looking at the past, the next anomaly will be bigger than anyone can imagine.
What A Korean Proverb Teaches Us About Diversity In The Workplace
Koreans use this proverb to describe someone who walks through life with blinders on, with tunnel vision or with their head in the sand when it comes to all the diversity present in the world around them.
An Iterative Model Of Self-Sustaining Leadership And Service
There is no silver-bullet, no one-size-fits-all approach that will guide you to individual and organizational success.
6 Books on the Future of Work That Every HR Professional Should Read
Six books every HR professional and organizational leader should read to better understand the trends and the drivers influencing the shifting trajectories in the future of work.