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Human Capital Leadership Review
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Trauma-Informed Leadership, with Kelly L. Campbell
In this podcast episode, Dr. Jonathan H. Westover talks with Kelly L. Campbell about trauma-informed leadership. Kelly L. Campbell (they/them) a Trauma-Informed Leadership Coach to emerging and established leaders who want to live, lead and love with more confidence and freedom. They are the author of HEAL TO LEAD: Revolutionizing Leadership through Trauma Healing (Wiley, 2024). As a sacred healing practitioner, Reiki Master and Cuddle Therapist, they work one-on-one with those who have experienced trauma in childhood or adulthood. Kelly has written for Entrepreneur, Fast Company and Forbes, and currently writes on Substack about “THE NEW TLC: Trauma, Leadership, and Consciousness.” Their vision is for more than half of humanity to heal its childhood trauma so that we may reimagine and rebuild the world together. Check out all of the podcasts in the HCI Podcast Network ( !
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What Most Convincing People Do to Forge a Lasting Bond, with Adele Gambardella and Chip Massey
In this HCI Webinar, Dr. Jonathan H. Westover talks with Adele Gambardella and Chip Massey about what most convincing people do to forge a lasting bond. Adele Gambardella, honored as “a woman who means business,” has over 20 years of experience owning and managing her own private Top PR firm in Washington DC. She has run PR campaigns for US President Joe Biden, the CEO of Lockheed Martin Marillyn Hewson, and many more. Adele has spearheaded major crisis PR campaigns for brands such as SAP, Verizon and Johnson & Johnson. She has also been invited to speak at the United Nations twice, where she gave 2 speeches on crisis communications. Adele is an co-author of Convince Me: High-Stakes Negotiation Tactics to Get Results in Any Business Situation and maintains her writing chops as a contributor to the Wall Street Journal, Inc., and Entrepreneur magazines. She has taught crisis communications and business at Princeton, Cornell, George Mason, and Georgetown universities
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Trauma-Informed Leadership, with Kelly L. Campbell
In this HCI Webinar, Dr. Jonathan H. Westover talks with Kelly L. Campbell about trauma-informed leadership. Kelly L. Campbell (they/them) a Trauma-Informed Leadership Coach to emerging and established leaders who want to live, lead and love with more confidence and freedom. They are the author of HEAL TO LEAD: Revolutionizing Leadership through Trauma Healing (Wiley, 2024). As a sacred healing practitioner, Reiki Master and Cuddle Therapist, they work one-on-one with those who have experienced trauma in childhood or adulthood. Kelly has written for Entrepreneur, Fast Company and Forbes, and currently writes on Substack about “THE NEW TLC: Trauma, Leadership, and Consciousness.” Their vision is for more than half of humanity to heal its childhood trauma so that we may reimagine and rebuild the world together.
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The hidden costs of prioritizing efficiency over well-being.
#WorkplaceWellness #EmployeeBurnout #ProductivityTrap #LongTermSuccess #ValueYourTeam #shorts
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Balancing efficiency with a human touch in leadership.
#LeadershipBalance #EfficientCulture #EmployeeWellbeing #LongTermSuccess #AdaptableLeadership #shorts
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Blockbuster's fall and the human cost of efficiency.
#BlockbusterFail #WorkplaceWellbeing #EfficiencyVsInnovation #EmployeeValue #BurnoutAwareness #shorts
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Why balancing efficiency and adaptability is crucial.
#EfficiencyVsAdaptability #LeadershipInsights #WorkplaceWellbeing #InnovationOverSpeed #LearnFromBlockbuster #shorts
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What Most Convincing People Do to Forge a Lasting Bond, with Adele Gambardella and Chip Massey
In this podcast episode, Dr. Jonathan H. Westover talks with Adele Gambardella and Chip Massey about what most convincing people do to forge a lasting bond. Adele Gambardella, honored as “a woman who means business,” has over 20 years of experience owning and managing her own private Top PR firm in Washington DC. She has run PR campaigns for US President Joe Biden, the CEO of Lockheed Martin Marillyn Hewson, and many more. Adele has spearheaded major crisis PR campaigns for brands such as SAP, Verizon and Johnson & Johnson. She has also been invited to speak at the United Nations twice, where she gave 2 speeches on crisis communications. Adele is an co-author of Convince Me: High-Stakes Negotiation Tactics to Get Results in Any Business Situation and maintains her writing chops as a contributor to the Wall Street Journal, Inc., and Entrepreneur magazines. She has taught crisis communications and business at Princeton, Cornell, George Mason, and Georgetown universities. An Ex-FBI hostage negotiator and special agent for 22 years, Chip Massey investigated 9/11 terrorist attacks and led the New York FBI Office’s Crisis Negotiations Team—in all five boroughs. As the Co-Owner of the Convincing Company, he teaches executives and their teams how to apply the FBI’s techniques to every workplace scenario. Clients include C-suite executives at Fortune 500 companies, including Facebook, Samsung, and Goldman Sachs. Chip is the co-author of Convince Me: High-Stakes Negotiation Tactics to Get Results in Any Business Situation. A natural communicator and teacher, Chip has trained FBI agents, police officers, and various federal officials in hostage negotiation techniques, de-escalation, and other law enforcement issues. Additionally, he has taught thousands of military personnel and civilians at West Point, Princeton, Cornell, Columbia, and other high-profile colleges. Check out all of the podcasts in the HCI Podcast Network ( !
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