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HCL Review

Publishing with Human Capital Leadership Review

eISSN 2693-9452 (online)

Core Disciplinary and Practitioner Subject Areas


Human Capital, Applied Psychology, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Organizational Leadership, Organizational Sociology, Change Management, Behavioral Economics

Top Subject Areas

Article Subjects

Journal Indexing

The Human Capital Leadership Review is currently indexed in OpenAlex, ivySCIDimensions, Scilt, CrossRef, Shibata, RDiscovery, Connected Papers, Semantic Scholar, SciProfiles, and Google Scholar.


The Human Capital Leadership Review is currently in the process of being considered for inclusion in the following major academic journal indices:​​


  1. Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters–this company now owns Web of Science)

  2. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

  3. Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC)

  4. Social Sciences Citation Index 

  5. EBSCO

  6. Elsevier Scopus 

  7. ProQuest

  8. PsycInfo

  9. Ulrich's Web

  10. Cabells

Journal Reach and Impact

The Human Capital Leadership Review does not yet have a traditional academic journal impact factor score, CiteScore, i10-index, h5-index, h-index, or g-index scores. Impact factor scores will be added as they become available.


Downloads, Views, Impressions, and Clicks:

HCL Review articles in total currently average over 101.7K views a month from 115 countries around the world! ​

  • More than 1,200,000 views in the past year

  • More than 6,210,000 reader impressions in the past year

  • More than 69,600 web clicks in the past year

Peer-Reviewed Article Submission Review Speed/Acceptance:

  • 4 days average from submission to first decision

  • 9 days average from submission to the end of the editorial review process

  • 21 days average from submission to first post-review decision

  • 3 days average from acceptance to online publication


The HCL Review has an average editorial-reviewed acceptance rate of 67%, and an average peer-reviewed acceptance rate of 17%.

Below is the most recent monthly Google Search Analytics results for the HCL Review:

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