Publishing with Human Capital Leadership Review
eISSN 2693-9452 (online)
About the Journal: Human Capital Leadership (HCL) Review is a multidisciplinary, practitioner-oriented academic journal dedicated to transforming the dissemination of knowledge by publishing both practitioner-focused and scholarly empirical and theoretical essays and research articles focusing on improving business and management theory, practice and behavior. Our focus is on providing concise, accessible, and engaging research across academic and professional fields, by presenting complex research findings in a clear and engaging manner, we aim to make academic knowledge more accessible to a broader audience. To promote interdisciplinary understanding and collaboration: We strive to foster the dissemination of knowledge across various people management fields, encouraging interdisciplinary dialogue and cooperation.
More specifically, HCL Review aims to advance strategic human resource management and organizational leadership practice through the global exchange of empirically and theoretically grounded knowledge and perspectives. Practitioner-oriented work, conceptual articles, rigorous academic literature reviews, meta-analyses, narrative reviews, and original research exploring approaches for developing organizational capacity and effectiveness through human capital leadership, cultural change, technology-driven transformation, and workforce optimization is welcomed. The HCL Review provides a forum for rapid dissemination of rigorous case studies, metrics-based evaluations, and data-informed commentary on contemporary issues relating to talent management, organizational development, and the evolving role of HR in creating long-term business value.
Submissions & Correspondence: We accept and publish new submissions to the HCL Review on a rolling bases. Please submit articles using the submission button at the top of this page. Please send any correspondence, letters to the editor, and requests to reprint, republish, or excerpt articles to HCLReview@innovativehumancapital.com. By submitting your article, you are agreeing to the following: (1) that the article you are submitting has been written by you and you hold the copyright, and (2) you consent to all content being hosted on HCI properties indefinitely. If you have questions about submitting content, please contact us at HCLReview@innovativehumancapital.com.
Article Submission: Articles should be first and foremost practitioner-focused, be between 750-2500 words, and fit in one or more of the following categories: (1) "Research Briefs" articles, (2) "Looking Ahead" Articles, (3) "Leadership in Practice" articles, (4) "Research Insights" articles, (5) "Leadership Insights" articles, (6) "Leadership for Change" articles, and (7) Book Reviews. Submissions should not be self promotional, but include content that educates and informs professionals. Internal citations and full references should always be included, with proper attribution given. Please review our Ethics and Publication Malpractice statement. There are no fees associated with publishing in this journal, though donations are appreciated (to help cover overhead costs).
Submission Formatting: As part of the submission process, authors are required to check ensure their submission's compliance with the following items, or submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines. (1) Author is held responsible for all spelling and grammar accuracy. Kindly review final manuscripts carefully. (2) To help us streamline the review process, please format the paper according to our guidelines. To ensure there are no unnecessary delays, each submission should include the following: Title: The title must not be more than 100 characters and should be something that defines the article topic. Sub-title: The subtitle must not be more than 100 characters and should describe what will be covered in the article. Recommended Resources: Where can people find more information about your article? Include links to related articles, books, whitepapers, blogs, surveys, videos, or podcasts. Author's Information: Please include a high resolution photo and brief author bio, including current professional affiliation with your submission. Once an article has passed the editorial and/or peer-review stage, it will move to copy-editing and typesetting.
Check out the HCL Review Peer-Review Form and learn more about the review process here.