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'Bluer than Indigo' Leadership: The Journey of Becoming a Truly Remarkable Leader, by Jonathan H. Westover, PhD.

Early in my adult life, I learned about an Asian proverb that translates as ‘Bluer than Indigo.' If you think about the color indigo, it is a brilliant, deep and vibrant blue — what some would call the bluest of blues. To have something that is “bluer than indigo” is rare and truly remarkable.

Contrary to popular myth, there is no one-size-fits-all or cookie cutter approach to effective leadership. There is no silver bullet, no secret sauce, no go-to model that will solve all our problems. The truth is, great leaders have all had their unique strengths (and flaws) and have all had to discover and then pave their own distinctive path in their life’s journey to fulfill their leadership potential.

‘Bluer than Indigo’ Leadership will help you discover your own path and explore those ordinary, everyday actions that will help you respond to an uncertain future and produce extraordinary results for individuals, teams, and organizations.

Purchase your copy on Amazon!

Suggested Citation: Westover, J. H. (2022). 'Bluer than Indigo' Leadership: The Journey of Becoming a Truly Remarkable Leader. HCI Academic Press.

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