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Workplace Habits of the Happiest Employees

Writer's picture: Jonathan H. Westover, PhDJonathan H. Westover, PhD

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Abstract: The article examines key research on workplace habits and practices that contribute to employee happiness and well-being. It outlines several core factors strongly correlated with job satisfaction, including social support from colleagues, feeling a sense of purpose and meaning in one's work, autonomy and control over work processes, opportunities for growth and development, and recognition for good work. The article then delves into specific habits demonstrated by exceptionally happy employees, such as prioritizing work-life balance, investing in social connections with coworkers, regularly expressing gratitude, practicing self-care, and finding meaning and purpose in their roles. The article concludes by providing recommendations for organizational leaders on how to cultivate these happiness-enhancing habits and conditions to foster engaged, productive, and thriving workforces.

Employee happiness and well-being have become increasingly important considerations for organizational leaders seeking to foster engaged and productive workforces. While happiness is often thought of as an individual trait or disposition, research shows that certain workplace conditions and habits can significantly influence employees' experiences and levels of satisfaction on the job.

Today we will examine key research on the workplace habits and practices commonly found among the happiest employees. Through an analysis of relevant academic studies and industry examples, specific recommendations are provided for how organizations can cultivate these habits and promote happiness across their workforces.

Review of Relevant Research

A growing body of scientific research has identified several core factors that are strongly correlated with employee happiness and well-being. An overview of some of the most compelling findings includes:

  • Social support from colleagues: Studies consistently show that having positive, supportive relationships with coworkers is one of the strongest predictors of job satisfaction (Bono et al., 2013; Kiefer, 2005). Close-knit teams that look out for one another experience greater work engagement and productivity.

  • Feeling of purpose and meaning in work: Employees who perceive their work as meaningful and important to the overall mission of the organization report higher levels of subjective well-being (Arnold et al., 2007; Bunderson & Thompson, 2009). Leaders who communicate purpose and value of work impact employees' sense of meaning.

  • Autonomy and control over work processes: Autonomy in scheduling tasks, prioritizing work, and deciding how to get work done has been linked to increased work satisfaction and commitment (Hackman & Oldham, 1976, 2006; Karasek & Theorell, 1990). Micromanagement decreases well-being.

  • Opportunities for growth and development: Ongoing learning, skill-building, and career advancement boost happiness at work (De Cooman et al., 2009). Stagnation leads to decreased motivation and engagement over time.

  • Recognition and appreciation for good work: Feeling valued and that contributions are noticed enhances employee well-being (Brun & Dugas, 2008; Rhoades & Eisenberger, 2002). Simple tokens of appreciation, like thank you notes, go a long way.

While individual personalities vary, these universal environmental factors have significant influence over employees' workplace experiences across industries and backgrounds. Organizations that foster these conditions tend to have the happiest workforces.

Work Habits of Exceptionally Happy Employees

Building on the research, certain habits and routines stand out among employees repeatedly identified as exceptionally happy and engaged in their jobs:

Prioritizing Work-Life Balance

Research confirms the importance of balance between work and personal/family life for well-being (Carlson et al., 2010; Kossek & Lambert, 2005). The happiest employees intentionally protect non-work time and make the most of it by:

  • Setting boundaries and not checking email or responding to work issues outside core hours.

  • Taking lunch breaks and not eating at their desks whenever possible.

  • Using vacation days fully instead of storing them up, to fully recharge and relax.

  • Asking for flex time or schedule shifts when needed for non-work responsibilities or commitments.

At Gravity Payments, leaders encourage no emails after business hours and full vacation usage to promote employees balancing their lives (Berg, 2016). This fosters greater happiness and retention.

Investing in Social Connections

Strong relationships buffer against workplace stress and boost happiness (Bono et al., 2013; Dutton & Heaphy, 2003). The happiest employees nurture connections by:

  • Eating lunch together regularly in person whenever feasible.

  • Organizing regular team social events outside work hours.

  • Using casual interactions like walking breaks to build rapport.

  • Expressing interest in and support for coworkers as whole people, not just colleagues.

Google famously offers gourmet cafeterias and other amenities to encourage socializing that strengthens ties (Achor, 2010). Their culture of connection supports innovation and well-being.

Regularly Expressing Gratitude

Gratitude improves mental and physical health, as well as work relationships (Emmons & McCullough, 2003; Wood et al., 2008). Highly satisfied employees:

  • Send thank you emails or notes to express appreciation for colleagues' help.

  • Make a point of recognizing others' contributions during meetings.

  • Show genuine gratitude for any display of support or kindness from others.

At Zappos, gratitude is an enduring core value that leaders intentionally cultivate to nurture positive connections between employees and customers (Hsieh, 2010).

Practicing Self-Care and Taking Breaks Regularly

Managing personal well-being enhances work capacity and happiness (Brown & Ryan, 2003; Williams & McGinnis, 2008). The happiest prioritize:

  • Scheduling focused work time but also breaks to re-energize.

  • Exercising, meditating, deep breathing, or other recharging rituals daily.

  • Spending time outdoors on nice days to refresh mentally.

  • Prioritizing nutrition, sleep, and hydration instead of powering through tired.

At Intuit, leaders grant all employees a 30-minute lunch break each day specifically for self-care to sustain productivity and wellness overall (Achor, 2010).

Finding Meaning and Purpose at Work

Feeling work is meaningful enhances subjective well-being and fulfillment (Steger et al., 2012; Wrzesniewski, 2003). Happiest employees actively:

  • Seek opportunities to contribute value through roles and responsibilities.

  • Look for ways to develop and utilize strengths daily at work.

  • Connect individual tasks to bigger-picture outcomes and organizational mission.

Employees at Google X report high well-being due to pursuing ambitious "moonshot" goals that could substantially improve life worldwide (Kessler, 2013). Purpose-driven work energizes.

Implications and Recommendations for Organizations

Fostering happy, engaged employees requires organizational leaders to intentionally cultivate the core factors and habits that research confirms enhance well-being. Some overarching recommendations include:

  • Clearly communicate the purpose and values that unite all work so employees can find meaning in contributing.

  • Train managers to model healthy habits like taking breaks, boundaries, and self-care so the behaviors are normalized.

  • Evaluate work structures and flexibility policies to better support work-life balance as a priority.

  • Provide spaces, programs, and encouragement for coworkers to connect informally and build rapport.

  • Recognize employees' efforts, not just outcomes, through regular appreciation to boost satisfaction.

  • Benchmark employee happiness over time using pulse surveys to guide continuous improvement.

  • Leaders must "walk the talk" by prioritizing their own well-being to effectively support others.

Organizations able to foster an environment where these happiness-enhancing habits can take root will experience greater engagement, innovation, retention, and business success over the long run. While individual personalities differ, universal factors like purpose, social bonds, autonomy, and balance prove most impactful across any workforce.


In today's highly competitive talent market, paying attention to employee well-being and happiness is imperative for organizational success. By understanding the core habits consistently demonstrated in scientific research and real-world examples to develop exceptionally happy workforces, organizations gain insights on practical steps to cultivate these behaviors organization-wide. Leaders who prioritize cultivating universal factors like purpose, autonomy, and work-life balance through intentional culture changes and role modeling set their organizations up to thrive with engaged, innovative employees driving performance now and into the future. Overall, focus on thriving employees leads to thriving businesses.


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Jonathan H. Westover, PhD is Chief Academic & Learning Officer (HCI Academy); Chair/Professor, Organizational Leadership (UVU); OD Consultant (Human Capital Innovations). Read Jonathan Westover's executive profile here.


Suggested Citation: Westover, J. H. (2025). Workplace Habits of the Happiest Employees. Human Capital Leadership Review, 18(2).

Human Capital Leadership Review

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