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New Data Reveals Alaska Employees Are the Happiest

Writer's picture: Jonathan H. Westover, PhDJonathan H. Westover, PhD
  • New research reveals that workers in Alaska spend the least time looking for new employment, searching just 5,648 times a month for new jobs per 100,000 residents 

  • The second least active state seeking new jobs is South Dakota, followed by Hawaii 

  • Georgia residents are the least content with their current employment, searching nearly 15,000 times a month for new work 

New data reveals that residents living in Alaska are the least desperate to find new employment. 

New research conducted by QR code generator QRFY analyzed nationwide Google search volumes for job-seeking related terms to determine which states are most actively looking for new employment. The study used Google Keyword Planner to analyze 84 different job-seeking terms such as “Indeed,” “jobs near me,” and “work from home,” across the last 12 months to identify which states are searching the most for new jobs.  

The study shows that Alaska is the state with the least active job seekers; it was revealed that in Alaska, there are only 5,648 searches every month on average per 100,000 residents for new employment, this is 45% less than the average American. 


South Dakota employees have been revealed as the second happiest in the country. The study shows that on average every month, job seekers in South Dakota search 6,235 times per 100,000 residents for jobs.  

The third state with employees looking for new work the least was revealed to be Hawaii. Here, residents search for work-related terms just 6,550 times a month on average per 100,000 residents. Hawaii has a low unemployment rate of just 2.9 percent; with such a low number of residents searching for work, it could mean that many employees are happy in their current workplace.  

The fourth and fifth states least actively seeking employment were Montana and Wyoming, respectively. In Montana, residents searched just 6,676 times a month per 100,000 residents, while in Wyoming residents searched 7,272 times a month on average.  

North Dakota has the sixth happiest employees as job seekers have been revealed to only search 7,712 times a month on average, per 100,000 residents for new jobs. 

The seventh-happiest state for employees is New Mexico; the data shows that, on average, residents search just 8,160 times a month per 100,000 residents for job-related terms such as “remote jobs” and “jobs near me.”  

Vermont has the eighth happiest employees; workers in Vermont search only 8,185 times per 100,000 residents on average every month for new jobs.  

The ninth state with the happiest workers is Idaho, where employees search 8,532 times a month per 100,000 residents on average every month on Google for jobs sites and new work.  

Nebraska is the tenth state for most fulfilled employees as residents have been revealed to search for jobs only 8,653 times a month per 100,000 each month on average.  

The study has revealed that Georgia job seekers are the most active in America, searching 14,774 times a month on average per 100,000 residents for new work. This is 44% more than the average American searches for work. It has been revealed that, on average across America, there are 10,258 searches a month per 100,000 residents for new employment. However, this frantic job-seeking could have paid off, with Georgia's unemployment rate dropping from 16.7% in July 2023 to 15.3% in January 2024.  

Florida was the second most active state when it came to job hunting, as the data revealed that Floridians make 13,126 searches on average every month per 100,000 residents. The unemployment rate in Florida is just 3%; however, this number has risen slightly from 2.6% in July 2023. “Indeed” is the most searched term in Florida; on average job seekers search for the term 1,430,000 times a month.  

The third state discovered to be searching for new jobs the most was North Carolina. The research revealed that job seekers in North Carolina searched 13,026 times a month on average per 100,000 residents. The most searched term in North Carolina is “Indeed,” with residents looking for employment searching on average 712,000 times a month for the job listing website.  

Out of the 84 job seeking terms analyzed “Indeed” was revealed as the most searched job-related term in all states, followed by the terms “jobs near me” and “Indeed jobs”, showing the popularity of the job-seeking website.  

The fifth state that was most actively looking for work was revealed to be Maryland; here, it was found that residents search for employment 11,992 times a month on average per 100,000 residents. The term most searched for by job seekers in Maryland was “Indeed”. The study revealed that this term was searched over 350,000 times a month.  

South Carolina is the sixth most desperate to work state, as the study reveals that residents search for new employment 11,992 times a month on average per 100,000 residents.  

The data reveals that Delaware has the seventh-highest number of job seekers. The data shows that residents search for new employment opportunities 11,979 times a month per 100,000 residents.   

Michigan has the eighth most desperate job seekers; they have been revealed to search for job openings and listings 11,873 times a month on average per 100,000 residents.  

The state with the ninth highest number of job seekers is Illinois. Job seekers search 11,831 times a month per 100,000 residents on average for new work in the state.


Nevada has the tenth most desperate job seekers as the data reveals that on average there are 11,805 searches every month per 100,000 residents on Google for new job listings.  A spokesperson for QRFY commented on the findings: “Hawaii has a low unemployment rate of just 2.9%. However, the small amount of Google searches for new employment every month suggests that residents living in Hawaii are much more content with their current employment than other workers in the United States. 

“In states like Georgia, where the unemployment rate is 15.3%, it is no surprise that there are so many searches for new employment. However, it is not just needing work that drives people to search for new jobs. Feeling unfilled in the workplace or seeking a higher salary are also reasons that drive people towards new employment.” 


Methodology: Google Keyword Planner was used to determine the average nationwide search volumes for job-seeking-related terms. Terms used included but were not limited to “Indeed,” “jobs near me,” and “work from home.” 


Full list of terms used: Indeed, Jobs near me, Indeed jobs, Job hiring near me, Job, Work from home jobs, Glassdoor, Remote jobs, Jobs near me part time, Amazon careers, Resume, templates, Government jobs, UPS jobs, Walmart jobs, Indeed login, Google jobs, Warehouse jobs near me, Online jobs, LinkedIn jobs, Data entry remote jobs, Amazon warehouse jobs, Remote jobs near me, Work from home jobs near me, Costco Jobs, Usa jobs gov, Target jobs, Fedex jobs, Job search, Indeed jobs near me, Indeed employer, Remote customer service jobs, Part time remote jobs, Amazon work from home jobs, Warehouse jobs, Amazon remote jobs, Free resume templates, Monster jobs, Virtual Assistant jobs, Home depot jobs, Amazon jobs near me, Rn jobs near me, Data entry jobs, Full time jobs near me, Cyber security jobs, Glassdoor jobs, Entry level remote jobs, Job search sites, CVS jobs, Flight attendant jobs, Part time work from home jobs, Netflix jobs, At home jobes, Disney jobs, Lowes jobs, Server jobs near me, Kaiser jobs, American express remote jobs, Customer service jobs, Starbucks jobs, Job openings near me, Remote jobs hiring, Walgreens jobs, Transcription jobs, Post office jobs, Resume templates google docs, Barns and noble jobs, Data analyst jobs, FBI jobs, Best buy jobs, jobs, Publix jobs, Indeed resume, It jobs, Tesla jobs, Graphic design jobs, Job sites, Entry level jobs, Resume templates free download, Resume templates word, Remote jobs hiring immediately, No experince jobs, How to quit a job, Quit job, Access jobs 

Human Capital Leadership Review

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