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HCI Webinar Recap: High Impact at Low Decibels: How Anxiety-Filled Introverts (And Others) Can Thrive In The Workplace, with Mike Schiller

In the latest HCI Webinar, In this podcast episode, Dr. Jonathan H. Westover talks with Mike Schiller about his book, High Impact at Low Decibels: How Anxiety-Filled Introverts (And Others) Can Thrive In The WorkplaceBelow is a summary of the main points from their conversation! Check out the full episode and let us know what you think!

Watch the episode here:

Quick Recap

Jonathan and Mike Schiller discussed Mike's new book, "High Impact at Low Decibels," which focuses on how introverts and anxiety-prone individuals can thrive in the workplace. They explored various aspects of effective leadership, including self-awareness, managing internal struggles, and balancing confidence with humility. The conversation also covered strategies for overcoming challenges such as imposter syndrome and building relationships as an introvert, concluding with advice on personal growth and turning perceived weaknesses into strengths.

Discussing Introvert Success in Workplace

Jonathan and Mike Schiller discussed Mike's new book, "High Impact at Low Decibels," which focuses on how anxiety-filled introverts and others can thrive in the workplace. Mike, an anxiety-filled introvert himself, shared his background as a technical expert and executive leader with over 30 years of experience at Fortune 500 companies. He explained that the book came about as he was nearing retirement and reflecting on his career, realizing that his introverted nature and high anxiety did not hold him back but instead led to his success. He shared that he developed a talk for new employees at his company, which was well received, and decided to turn it into a book after delivering it to external audiences. Jonathan expressed his appreciation for the book's title and the importance of understanding what drives people in the workplace.

Leadership and Self-Awareness in Roles

Jonathan and Mike discussed the concept of leadership and the importance of self-awareness in leadership roles. They emphasized that effective leadership is not solely dependent on personality traits such as charisma or introversion, but rather on the ability to understand one's strengths and weaknesses, and to surround oneself with complementary team members. They also highlighted the importance of recognizing and managing internal struggles and insecurities, as these are part of the human condition and can be leveraged as strengths. The conversation concluded with the understanding that everyone is trying to do their best, and the key is to mitigate internal struggles to avoid derailment.

Imposter Syndrome and Self-Confidence

Mike discussed the concept of imposter syndrome, a feeling of being a fraud and not deserving success. He emphasized that this feeling can lead to low self-confidence, fear of making mistakes, and a poor response to feedback. Mike suggested that awareness of this syndrome is the first step to mitigating it, followed by techniques such as self-talk and changing the channel in one's mind. He also mentioned the importance of physical mechanisms like tapping on one's leg to help change the channel. Jonathan asked about physical mechanisms to help with rumination, to which Mike responded that he uses knocking on his head, but other methods like tapping on one's leg could be effective.

Balancing Confidence and Intellectual Humility

Mike and Jonathan discussed the importance of intellectual humility and open-mindedness in leadership. Mike emphasized the need to balance confidence and humility, using the contrasting examples of Captain Kirk and Captain Picard from Star Trek. He suggested that leaders should seek input from their team members, but ultimately make the final decision. Jonathan agreed, highlighting the value of having a leader who is open to input but also makes informed decisions. They concluded that a leader's ability to balance confidence and humility is crucial for effective leadership.

Transforming Introvert Weaknesses Into Strengths

In the meeting, Mike and Jonathan discussed the challenges of being an introvert and having social anxiety, which can hinder the formation of strong relationships. Mike suggested turning relationship building into a task, such as making a list of important people to maintain relationships with and developing a process for each one. He also emphasized the importance of personal connections during discussions, suggesting a structured approach to ensure time is allocated for these. Mike concluded that by intentionally investing in relationships, introverts can transform their perceived weaknesses into strengths.

Personal Growth and Overcoming Challenges

Jonathan and Mike had a productive conversation about personal growth and overcoming challenges. Mike shared his advice on not putting artificial limits on oneself and finding ways to turn perceived weaknesses into strengths. He also mentioned his book, available on Amazon in print, ebook, and audio formats, and encouraged the audience to connect with him on LinkedIn.

Listen to the webinar here:

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