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Writer's pictureJonathan H. Westover, PhD

As Seen on Forbes: "15 Professional Coaches Share The Most Rewarding Aspect Of Their Careers"

Dr. Westover is featured in another #Forbes expert panel article out today, "15 Professional Coaches Share The Most Rewarding Aspect Of Their Careers."

"Learning From And Coaching Others: One of the greatest joys in life has been finding opportunities to both learn from and coach and mentor others. This can happen in nearly all professional settings and roles. It is something special to help another person look deep inside themselves, discover a previously unknown strength or tap into unique potential and then grow and develop into someone who can pay it forward to help others!" -Dr. Jonathan Westover

What has been the most rewarding aspect of your career?

Human Capital Leadership Review

ISSN 2693-9452 (online)

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