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Writer's pictureJonathan H. Westover, PhD

As Seen on Forbes: "14 Life Hacks Busy Professionals Use To Optimize Their Time"

Dr. Westover is featured in today's #Forbes expert panel article, "14 Life Hacks Busy Professionals Use To Optimize Their Time."

"Take Frequent Walks: Amidst a hectic work schedule, I am a believer in taking frequent walking breaks. This helps me not only stretch my legs and get a little exercise, but it also allows me to reboot my brain and look at my work with fresh eyes. Taking frequent, short loops around the office space also allows me to make and maintain connections with co-workers, often leading to meaningful collaborations." - Dr. Jonathan H. Westover

What are some of your own life hacks to optimize your time and increase your productivity? #ForbesCoachesCouncil#HumanCapitalInnovations#TimeManagement#WorkProductivity

Human Capital Leadership Review

ISSN 2693-9452 (online)

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