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Kindness at Work: The Overlooked Driver of Employee Engagement and Organizational Success

While traditional leadership paradigms emphasize directive management styles and tangible metrics of success like profits and growth, modern researchers argue that cultivating a culture of kindness is among the most impactful strategies for developing high-performing, cohesive teams.

Today we will explore why and how acts of compassion and respect in the workplace pay significant dividends in boosting employee engagement, retention, and overall organizational achievement.

Defining Kindness, Compassion, and Culture in the Organizational Context

To frame the ensuing discussion, it is important to first define key terminology. Researchers often use "kindness" and "compassion" interchangeably to refer to behaviors demonstrating care, respect, and concern for others' well-being (Nielsen et al., 2017; Dutton et al., 2006). In organizations, acts of kindness can range from small daily gestures of support and consideration to broader institutional policies focused on employee welfare. "Culture" references shared assumptions, values, and practices that shape how members of a group interact and prioritize goals (Schein, 2017). A culture of kindness is one where caring, helping, and respect are intrinsically rewarding and reinforced aspects of everyday life within an organization.

How Kindness Improves Job Satisfaction and Performance

A wealth of studies link kindness-centered cultures to markedly improved individual and collective outcomes in the workplace:

  • Neuroscientific research indicates acts of compassion trigger the brain's reward centers and release oxytocin, dopamine, and opioids that enhance feelings of social connection and well-being (Zaki & Mitchell, 2013). This biological "kindness effect" has been shown to directly improve mood, reduce stress levels, and increase life satisfaction - all of which translate to more engaged, productive employees.

  • Survey data compiled across hundreds of organizations worldwide demonstrates strong positive correlations between perceptions of leader and coworker kindness and individual measures of job satisfaction, motivation, and work performance (Nielsen et al., 2017). Kind treatment is a powerful driver of employee engagement.

  • Experimental studies where subjects secretly exchanged small kindnesses randomly assigned tasks found dramatic increases in helpful behaviors, quality of work, coordination on team projects, and feelings of social responsibility among participants (Grant & Berry, 2011). Acts of compassion have diffuse impact in energizing virtuous cycles of further cooperation.

  • Analyses of annual workplace culture surveys link self-reported presence of caring relationships and compassionate leadership most strongly to overall organizational achievement factors like profitability, growth, customer service ratings, and low employee turnover (Rogers & Ashforth, 2017). Kindness cultivates high performing workplaces.

This research demonstrates conclusively that intentional cultivation and reinforcement of kindness as a core value creates meaningful dividends across both individual employee and organizational levels of analysis. In short - kindness at work pays off.

Applying a Culture of Kindness: Practical Strategies and Industry Examples

With a strong empirical basis established, the question becomes how leaders and organizations can operationalize compassion and build cultures where kindness thrives. Several effective, research-informed strategies and real-world examples illustrate promising applications:

  • Leading with compassion: Authentic, servant-style leadership where supervisors prioritize employee well-being, openly appreciate contributions, and lead with empathy has been shown to drive high levels of trust, discretionary effort and retention (Reina et al., 2018). For instance, the container shipping company Maersk modeled this approach through a CEO who empowered grassroots kindness initiatives and made compassion a stated core value throughout the 150,000+ employee global operation.

  • Promoting helping behaviors: Simple nudges like dedicating time each day for coworkers to assist one another with tasks, assigning weekly "Acts of Kindness" challenges, and rewarding those who go above to support others can reinforce norms of care and boost daily rapport (Nielsen et al., 2017). Advertising agency BBDO instituted a "Pay it Forward Board" where staff anonymously thanked peers for considerate gestures - sparking an ongoing ripple of goodwill.

  • Fostering gratitude: Research correlates expressions of appreciation with increased life and job satisfaction (Kong et al., 2019). For example, construction firm Skanska implemented annual companywide "Thank You Thursdays" where teams share what they're most grateful for about coworkers. This fostered connection and psychological safety.

  • Cultivating compassionate communication: Training conflict resolution, providing emotional intelligence resources, and role-modeling respectful language sets a tone where differences can be discussed constructively and ideas improve through compassionate critique rather than fear or defensiveness (Rogers & Ashforth, 2017). Tech startup Anthropic uses weekly "Circle Sessions" for staff to build understanding and solve problems collaboratively.

  • Prioritizing well-being: Implementing family leave policies exceeding legal minimums, offering mental health days, subsidizing health services and setting clear work-life boundaries reassures staff the organization truly cares for their whole selves (Dutton et al., 2006). Outdoor clothing brand Patagonia remains a model, closing offices on some Fridays to encourage time in nature with family and friends.

While kindness takes effort, these real-world examples affirm its considerable impacts and viability as a core focus of sustainable, ethics-based organizational culture and leadership strategies. Leaders who authentically express care for people and champion small acts of human compassion see remarkable dividends in performance, cohesion and longevity.


In today's complex, fast-paced world, the competitive pressures of short-term gains can obscure recognition that our most valuable assets are the relationships between human beings which comprise organizations. However, a growing body of rigorous research finds that intentionally cultivating a culture of kindness, compassion and care for others' well-being creates powerful, quantifiable benefits for both individual employees and overall organizational success. Leaders who authentically prioritize human welfare, appreciate contributions, reinforce helping behaviors and value work-life integration see remarkably engaged teams, lower costs, higher productivity and more durable success over time. While challenging to fully actualize, small gestures and thoughtful policies that promote respect, gratitude and connectivity between people represent bright spots of humanity that should not be overlooked. Increasingly, a culture of kindness proves to be a highly meaningful, strategic and overlooked competitive advantage for thriving in today's economy.


  • Dutton, J. E., Workman, K. M., & Hardin, A. E. (2006). Compassion at work. In J. E. Dutton & B. R. Ragins (Eds.), Exploring positive relationships at work: Building a theoretical and research foundation (pp. 245–272). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

  • Grant, A. M., & Berry, J. W. (2011). The necessity of others is the mother of invention: Intrinsic and prosocial motivations, perspective taking, and creativity. Academy of Management Journal, 54(1), 73–96.

  • Kong, F., Zhao, J., & You, X. (2019). Gratitude and employee well-being: The mediating role of sleep quality. Journal of Happiness Studies, 20(4), 1113–1126.

  • Nielsen, K., Zhang, C., & He, H. (2017). How does managers' care influence employee outcomes in the Chinese private sector? The moderating roles of institutions and guanxi orientations. Journal of Management, 43(1), 265–289.

  • Reina, D. S., Rogers, K. M., Peterson, S. J., Byron, K., & Hom, P. W. (2018). Quitting the boss? The role of manager influence tactics and core self-evaluations in employee withdrawal. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 25(1), 5–18.

  • Rogers, K. M., & Ashforth, B. E. (2017). Respect in organizations: Feeling valued as "we" and "me." Journal of Management, 43(5), 1578–1608.

  • Schein, E. H. (2017). Organizational culture and leadership (5th ed.). Jossey-Bass.

  • Zaki, J., & Mitchell, J. P. (2013). Interoceptive and cognitive regulation of emotion. In J. J. Gross (Ed.), Handbook of emotion regulation (2nd ed., pp. 27–48). Guilford Press.


Jonathan H. Westover, PhD is Chief Academic & Learning Officer (HCI Academy); Chair/Professor, Organizational Leadership (UVU); OD Consultant (Human Capital Innovations). Read Jonathan Westover's executive profile here.


Human Capital Leadership Review

ISSN 2693-9452 (online)

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